Call for Applications: CCSEAS Graduate Student Research Workshop on “Power in Southeast Asia”

The Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) is currently accepting applications for a Graduate Student Research Workshop on “Power in Southeast Asia: Methodological Perspectives.” Please distribute widely to graduate students who may be interested in participating.

This workshop will be run in conjunction with the 2019 biennial CCSEAS conference (24-26 October 2019). It will provide an opportunity for graduate students working in different disciplinary traditions to receive critical, engaged feedback on their work-in-progress from fellow students and faculty who share an interest in this region. It will also develop capacities for inter-disciplinary engagement.

Workshop Date: October 24, 2019

Applications Due:
June 30, 2019

Applications consist of:
1) A current curriculum vitae; and
2) A 500 word abstract of your research proposal, including a brief description of your methodology.

If selected for the workshop, you will need to submit your methodology chapter / work in progress by September 19, max 3000 words.

Workshop participants will be selected on the content of the submitted projects, the potential for useful exchanges among them, and the benefits of including a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches and intellectual traditions.

Send applications by email attachment to christine.gibb [at]

For more information, please click here (pdf)

Kind regards,

Christine Gibb and Stéphanie Martel, Workshop convenors