Call for Participants | Graduate student workshop

We’ve extended the deadline to Friday, 8 October and we look forward to receiving your submissions!

A CCSEAS/CCSEASE 2021 special event hosted virtually by the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives (CAPI), University of Victoria.

We are delighted to host a virtual networking and idea-exchange workshop for graduate students from all disciplines who are working on topics related to Southeast Asia. This workshop will open the conference on Thursday, 21 October 2021 from 10:00–11:30 PST via Zoom.

Participants in this workshop will have an opportunity to meet fellow graduate students and other scholars working in their area and exchange ideas on their research in an interdisciplinary way. All graduate students registered for the conference are invited to participate. The price of admission is: (a) the submission of a one-paragraph (@ 250-word) abstract of your thesis and (b) a commitment to reading two other abstracts before the conference and providing, at the workshop, one page of suggested readings, questions, and comments to your fellow participants. The workshop will involve a blend of plenary and breakout sessions.   

Please send your abstract, along with a short (@ 150-word) biography, to by 8 October 2021. A limited number of spaces will be made available for this workshop on a first-come, first-served basis to students who have registered for the conference.

Questions can be directed to Dr. Victor V. Ramraj at