CCSEAS/CCEASE conference programme de le conférence

The final version of the conference programme is available on the 2021 conference website: La version finale du programme de la conférence est disponible sur le site Web de la conférence 2021:

Call for Expressions of Interest/Appel à manifestation d’intérêt : Incoming President & Executive Committee members/Nouveau(x) Président & Membres du comité exécutif

Le français suit Call for Expressions of Interest  The Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) is seeking candidates from Canadian post-secondary institutions for the following volunteer roles. All roles are for a two-year term (October 2021 to October 2023).  1) President  The President and their institution would also host the 2023 CCSEAS biennial conference,… Continue reading Call for Expressions of Interest/Appel à manifestation d’intérêt : Incoming President & Executive Committee members/Nouveau(x) Président & Membres du comité exécutif

Our 2021 keynote speakers

We are pleased to announce Oona Paredes (UCLA) and Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung (University of Massachusetts Lowell) as our keynote speakers this year. Thawnghmung Ardeth Maung is Professor and Chair of Political Science Department at University of Massachusetts Lowell.  She was born and raised in Myanmar and is a member of Karen ethnic group. Her areas… Continue reading Our 2021 keynote speakers

Call for Participants | Graduate student workshop

We’ve extended the deadline to Friday, 8 October and we look forward to receiving your submissions! A CCSEAS/CCSEASE 2021 special event hosted virtually by the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives (CAPI), University of Victoria. We are delighted to host a virtual networking and idea-exchange workshop for graduate students from all disciplines who are working on topics… Continue reading Call for Participants | Graduate student workshop

Merci pour vos soumissions! Thank you for your submissions!

Merci à tous! Nous avons reçu plus de 100 soumissions. Le comité organisateur local de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique est en train de créer un horaire. Thanks to everyone who submitted a paper abstract, panel submission or proposed a roundtable, poster or screening! We received over 100 submissions, which are being organized into a schedule… Continue reading Merci pour vos soumissions! Thank you for your submissions!

Dear CCSEAS Members and Friends/ Chers.ères membres et du CCEASE

le français suit   Dear CCSEAS Members and Friends: We hope you are staying sane, safe and healthy during these exceptional times. We know how difficult it can be to plan ahead when we are dealing with many urgent, day-to-day matters. Our resolve to push and plan ahead for our CCSEAS Conference at UBC helps us… Continue reading Dear CCSEAS Members and Friends/ Chers.ères membres et du CCEASE